Cinema Politica presente GRASS

Cinema Politica présente une projection spéciale du documentaire GRASS comme collecteur de fonds pour ceux et celles arrête aux Clubs de compassion du Québec.

Ron Mann/ Canada/ 2000/ 80 min.

Award- winning director Ron Mann (Comic Book Confidential, Twist) hooks up with actor/ activist Woody Harrelson to deal you GRASS, a highly spirited and innovative look into one of America’s most deeply rooted cultural myths: “the evils of marijuana.” Utilizing hilarious footage from U.S. Government propaganda films, and eye- popping animation from underground artist Paul Mavrides, GRASS blows the lid off the war on marijuana. Find out how a nice person like yourself became a dangerous criminal.

Pour plus d’infos sur Cinema Politica:

En anglais, lundi le 21 juin, 19h30 (portes s’ouvrent a 19h), Theatre Plaza, 6505 St-Hubert, Théâtre Plaza 6505 St-Hubert, portes s’ouvrent a 19h, don suggérer 5$

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2 Responses to “Cinema Politica presente GRASS”

  1. June 21st | infringement Montréal 2010 Says:

    […] 7:30pm: Cinema Politica presents a special screening of the documentary GRASS as a benefit for those recently arrested at Quebec Compassion  Clubs.  Théâtre Plaza 6505 St-Hubert, doors open at 7pm. don $5 suggested donation.  For more information including the film trailer, please click here. […]

  2. Tweets that mention Cinema Political presents GRASS | infringement Montréal 2010 -- Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jason C. McLean, infringement. infringement said: Grass screening tonight/ce soir! […]

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